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Outer-wear - Shoes - Hats - Stockings - Ties - Accessories - Hairstyling - Fashion-drawings - Pattern ... Bands and Artists - Jazz in Germany 1919-1945 - Grammophones - Radios and Broadcast ... Bands and Artists - Jazz in Germany 1919-1945 - Grammophones - Radios and Broadcast ... History of German motion picture - Movies - Movie-prevues - Moviestars ...
Swing-dance - Dance video sequences - Foxtrott - Shag - Shimmy - Black Bottom - NS-Dancing - Charleston - Tap-dance ... Housing - Furnitures - The ''Housewifes empire'' - Styles ...
The ''German public community'' - WHW / KdF - Swing Kids - 1930s window shopping - Presentiments of war - Ration cards ... Housing - Furnitures - The ''Housewifes empire'' - Styles ...
The ''German public community'' - WHW / KdF - Swing Kids - 1930s window shopping - Presentiments of war - Ration cards ... Aviation - Automobiles - early television - telephones ... Aviation - Automobiles - early television - telephones ...

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