1920s makeup guide


During the early twenties cream or ivory colored face powder was used by most women. Later in the middle of the twenties a powder corresponding to the nature hue of skin - perhaps a nuance brighter - came in fashion. For rouge the colors rose, raspberry, and around 1925 also orange were popular. 

From the middle of the twenties on lips were colored in deep red, deep brownish reds, plum and orange. The shades changed later at the end of the twenties. Colors like rose, raspberry and medium red were new trend. 

Lipstick was applied as a "Cupid's-Bow" (Armor's Bow) to the upper lip. Also the lower lip was exaggerated a bit and the width of the lips de-emphasized a little.

Usually eyes were held quite dark. To get this effect the whole eye was edged with a black eyeliner and then the margins blured easily. The eyelid shadow was often painted in dark gray. Besides gray, colors like turquoise and green were also in fashion. To further emphasis of eyes eyelashes were also painted black.

Very popular were thin, black and downward sloping eyebows which were inked with a black or brown eyeliner.

The fingernails were painted only in the nail center. The half-moon and  nail tip were left bare and white.

... some color examples:
Deep Red
Red Brown
Orange Red
Medium Red
Dark Grey
